Coherence and Fragmentation: The Languages of the Nordic Countries and their Interrelations today


Registration is open!

The participation fee is 60 €. Lunches and coffee breaks are included.

BA- and MA-students can participate for free (no luches included).

The conference dinner (optional) costs 40 € and it will be paid at the moment.


You can register HERE and then follow the instructions below for the enrollment payment.

The payment of the registration fee takes place through the PAGOPA system in the IRIS platform of the Tuscany Region. Here below the how to pay with pago PA to the University of Florence (in Italian: istruzioni 058525 per effettuare pagamento spontaneo su Iris Regione Toscana (1) ):

1) Connect to the page and click on Spontaneous payments
2) Select the University of Florence from among the institutions listed
3) Click on the code 058525 of FORLILPSI - Department of Languages, Interculture, Literature and
4) On the dedicated page, indicate:
Payment amount: [see Registration]
Reason for the payment: NORDLANG24
Reference year: 2024
Tax Code [of the person for whom the payment is made]
Name: [of the person for whom payment is being made]


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