Coherence and Fragmentation: The Languages of the Nordic Countries and their Interrelations today

Useful information

Accomodation in Florence
Florence is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Italy and therefore has a wide range of hotels, bed and breakfasts and other forms of hospitality. Fortunately, the conference will take place in November, a month in which the tourist flow to the city is relatively low. However, it is strongly recommended that you book your accomodation as soon as possible. The organizing committee has made agreements with some structures to provide a discounted rate to conference participants. Each of the various structures have asked for different conditions which are expressly indicated below. All of the hotels listed below are located in the city centre.
Structures with special rates
Rates do not include the city tax (approximately 7 euros per day)
Albergo Botticelli, Via Taddea 8, 50123 Florence - Tel: 055.290905 - Booking:
additional 10% discount on the best rate available online
Other options:
Hotel Cellai
Via Ventisette Aprile, 52/R, 50129 Firenze – tel. 055 489291. E-mail:
Hotel Cimabue
Via Bonifacio Lupi, 5a, 50129 Firenze – tel. 055 475601. E-mail:
Corte Guelfa
Via Guelfa, 36/38, Fo129 Firenze – tel. 055 4939164. E-mail:
Istituto Oblate dell‘Assunzione
Borgo Pinti 15 Firenze 50121 – tel. 0552480582 / 0552480583. E-mail:
Via Gaetano Milanesi, 43, 50134 Firenze – tel. 055 480955
La vigna dolce di Anna
Via della Vigna Vecchia, 3, 50122 Firenze – tel. 388 871 2996
Academy Hostel - Via Ricasoli, 9, 50122 Firenze – tel. 055 239 8665
Hostel 7 - Viale dei Mille, 11, 50131 Firenze – tel. 055 218510
Ostello Bello Firenze - Via Faenza, 56, 50123 Firenze – tel. 055 213806
Ostello Archi Rossi - Via Faenza, 94r, Firenze – tel. 055290804
Ostello Centrale - Via Faenza, 46/r, Firenze – tel. 055268481 – 3480560597
Santa Monaca Hostel - Via Santa Monaca, 6, 50124 Firenze – tel. 055 268338
Yellowsquare - Viale Francesco Redi, 19, 50144 Firenze – tel. 055 031 7718
 How to reach the conference venue
You can easily reach the conference venue – beautiful Palazzo del Pegaso in via Cavour 4 – by foot or via a short bus trip, if you have booked accomodation in the city centre.
The bus stops closest to the venue are: XXVII Aprile San Zanobi; Sant’Anna; Indipendenza XXVII Aprile; Indipendenza Nazionale; Matteotti Lamarmora; Viale Matteotti; and Valfonda - Stazione Smn.
The following bus routes have stops close to Palazzo del Pegaso: 17, 20, 23B, 25, 32, 6B.
Please see the At bus website for more information.
To book a taxi, you can call: 055 4390 or 055 4242 or use the corresponding applications: appTaxi or Taxi Vip.


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