Visiting Professors

The Department of Education, Languages, Intercultures, Literatures and Psychology welcomes visiting professors from all parts of the world. Such visits contribute to the internationalization of department life, offer exceptional opportunities for networking, and are a stimulant for research, international projects, exchanges and further visits.

Visiting Professors Support Program

The Visiting Professors Support Program is designed to provide administrative, bureaucratic and financial assistance to visiting professors and all international guests of the Department of Education, Languages, Intercultures, Literatures and Psychology in order to foster the development of innovative ideas and support research.

The University’s Internationalization Plan

The University’s Internationalization Plan 2017-2018 - PIA (pdf) presents the strategic lines for the period 2017-2018 and related actions, confirming the promotion of department autonomy, while respecting the strategic lines identified by the university.

The plan’s 4 actions:

  • Action 1 - Attract foreign visitors
  • Action 2 - Internationalization of courses of study
  • Action 3 - Increase student mobility to and from foreign universities
  • Action 4 - Promote the stipulation/renewal of agreements to develop cooperation

On the basis of proposals submitted by each department, which define the strategic lines of internationalization, chosen actions, specific objectives and related activities to be carried out, the university has granted special contributions intended exclusively to cover expenses related to the mobility of personnel involved in each action.




Rebecca.jpeg Martha Kaschny Borges (SDI Muenchen)
Rebecca.jpeg  Rebecca Martina Ehrenwirth (SDI Muenchen)
  Mora Fandos (UCM)
Rebecca.jpeg Margherita Farina (HTL – CNRS)
PaulFrick.jpeg  Paul Frick (Louisiana State University)

Zhang%20Gaoheng_150x150.png Zhang Gaoheng (The University of British Colombia)


Gyapay_foto2022_xsito (1) László Gyapay (University of Miskolc)
foto_soonghee_150x150.jpg SoongHee Han (Seoul National University)

    • Scientific Coordinator: prof. Vanna Boffo
    • With funding from the University of Florence’s Internationalization Plan (PIA)
    • With FORLILPSI Internationalization funding
    • Biography
    • Curriculum vitae
MichaelKehler.png Michael Kehler (University of Calgary)


MichaelKehler.png Johanita Kirsten (North West University)


Kohut  Iryna Kohut (National Pedagogical University)


Visiting_Koenig_foto_150x150.png Ekkehard König (Freie Universität Berlin)

Visiting_Koenig_foto_150x150.png  Olfa Maghrebi (Université de Tunis El Manar e Institut Pasteur de Tunis)
Visiting_Koenig_foto_150x150.png  Ferdinand von Mengden (Freie Universität Berlin)


Visiting_Koenig_foto_150x150.png  Anna Menyhért (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem)


Emilio Crsol Moy.jpeg Emilio Crisol Moya (Universidad de Granada )
Øhrgaard (2) Per Øhrgaard (Copenhagen Business School)
Øhrgaard (2) Fabiana Oliveira Canavieira (Università Federale do Maranhão)
Luciane Pandini Simiano (Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina)
Laura Pozzi (University of Warsaw)
Rishik%20Michael.jpg Michael Ryzhik (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
Rishik%20Michael.jpg Dirk Saller (DHBW Mosbach)
Rishik%20Michael.jpg Cecilia Schwartz (DHBW Mosbach)
Professor Maria Slowey photo Maria Slowey (Dublin City University)
Photo Tsyhanok (1) Erling Strudsholm (University of Copenhagen) 
Jesus_Tronch_Perez (2) Renê José Trentin Silveira(Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp)
Jesus_Tronch_Perez (2) Jesús Tronch Pérez (University of Valencia)
Photo Tsyhanok (1) Olha Tsyhanok (Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics) 
Deanne Williams (1) Deanne Williams (York University)
natalya.zapolskaya_150x150.png Natalia Zapolskaya (Università Statale di Mosca Lomonosov)




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