Research Research UnitsSED-LS
SED-LS – Sviluppo socio-emozionale nel ciclo di vita (Socio-emotional development in the cycle of life)
Keywords: bullying, cyberbullying, externalizing and internalizing disorders, evidence-based interventions, personal identity disorders, emotional competence, emotion-related traits.
Research topics: behavior disorders, bullying, cyberbullying and victimization, externalizing and internalizing disorders, personal identity disorders. Other relevant topics include parenting and the relationship with children during the life cycle and evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions to prevent behavior disorders.
Aims and objectives: We study social-emotional development in the cycle of life applying quantitative and qualitative methods as well as cross-sectional and longitudinal research designs. Objectives include:
- the role of individual processes in aggressive behavior and victimhood;
- personal identity disorders;
- the role of social-emotional processes at school and in the family;
- parent-child relationships;
- the effectiveness of interventions to prevent behavior disorders.
Current projects:
- "La sperimentazione del modello KiVa nelle scuole della Toscana" in collaboration with USR.
- "Percorsi di convivenza e promozione del benessere a scuola e nella comunità" in collaboration with the Municipality of Scandicci.
- "Cybermentor Europe" project EU DG Justice - Daphne 2012-2014.
- Perception of bullying and cyberbullying in adolescence and pre-adolescence. "Indagine sul fenomeno del bullismo e del cyberbullismo nella scuola secondaria superiore: incidenza e correlati psicologici" in collaboration with the Fondazione CR Pistoia and schools in the area.
- Strengthening emotional skills to promote well-being at school in collaboration with schools in Pistoia.
For further information about projects and research:
Longitudinal Studies in Psychology of Development Laboratory
Development Processes Evaluation Laboratory