Research Research UnitsRABePsi
RABePsi – Ricerca e azione per il benessere psicosociale (Research and action for psychosocial well-being)
Keywords: health, psychosocial well-being, community, action-research, risk behaviors, body image, stereotypes and prejudices, qualitative research, evaluative research, virtual groups, human resources, love styles, couple satisfaction, workplace well-being.
Research topics: Research-action to promote health and psychosocial well-being. Intergroup attitudes, stereotypes and prejudices. Prevention of risky sexual behaviors. Socio-cultural influences and body image. Group interactions in a virtual environment. Love styles and relationship quality. Marital separation, custody and child protection. Psychosocial well-being in the workplace.
Aims and objectives: Development of models of intervention to increase psychosocial well-being. Prevention and promotion of health. Development of projects to improve the quality of relationships among groups. Risk and protective factors for the quality of couple relationships. Research of further modalities of evaluation and intervention in cases of marital separations, in judicial and extrajudicial settings.
Current projects:
- Scientific knowledge of gender-based violence and domestic violence and operational practices of assessment and assistance, particularly in anti-violence centers (in collaboration with the Centers of the Tuscan Region).
- Translation and adaptation of the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA).
- Risk behaviors and their antecedents, with particular attention to sexually transmitted infections (in collaboration with Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro l'AIDS).
- Dissatisfaction in pregnancy and intention to breastfeed (in collaboration with Azienda USL Toscana).
- Preventing and reducing prejudice towards disability (ADRA Association).
- Case studies of conflictual family situations and possible interventions.
- Matching of couple's love styles and dyadic satisfaction.
- Study of compulsive gambling in a virtual environment.
Others involved:
- Dip. di Medicina Sperimentale e Clinica
- Spin-off accademico "LabCom Ricerca e Azione per il benessere psicosociale" (P. Meringolo, C. Volpi, L. Remaschi, F. Petrini, M. Chiodini, E. Guidi, E. Moscardi)