Keywords: education for sustainability; lifelong learning system, cultural and environmental policies, eco-pedagogy, community-based learning, adult education, material and immaterial heritage; sustainable development, third sector, social innovation, migration-development
Research topics:The research group aims to be a space for in-depth analysis and comparison of theories, methodologies and best practices in education within the national and international strategic-political framework characterized primarily by the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Intervention priorities are the enhancement of social and environmental dimensions of human and sustainable development in a lifelong learning perspective, clarifying the underlying and transversal educational dimension to the actions of research and the third mission. The main research lines include: valorization of natural and cultural environmental heritage, development of the third sector and social innovation within organizational contexts, the relationship between migratory phenomena and development processes. Starting from an idea of sustainability as an equilibrium between the principles of environmental protection, social justice, economic development, inclusion and democratic participation, this research group recognizes in education a transversal and essential variable of efficiency and effectiveness of the processes of sustainable use of the territory on a social and economic level and of the planning of territorial policies. This reading is closely related to the concept of human development that has, for several years now, definitively undermined the need to pursue economic growth alone and has brought to the fore consideration of people’s role in sustainable development, together with recognition of the importance of democracy, freedom, dignity, responsibility, participation, and well-being.
The research unit is engaged in the design and implementation of educational, research, and third mission activities. Output of the unit’s 2014-2018 activities:
a. Professional development course: Pedagogical approach to the safeguarding and valorization of Cultural Heritage (2015-2017).
b. Direction of the session Approccio pedagogico per lo sviluppo sostenibile e la valorizzazione del patrimonio all’interno del IV Congresso CUCS (Consorzio Universitario per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo), Brescia, September 10-12, 2015.
c. Project for the Horizon 2015 - 2017 ECHo - European Cultural Hologram - Innovative approaches to Heritage towards Europeanization - Horizon H2020-REFLECTIVE-SOCIETY-2015 call (internal reference number: SEP-210270915), positive evaluation, unfunded.
d. Funded European projects (see specific paragraphs).
MoCa Academic spin-off:
MoCa Future Designers Società Cooperativa (year of incorporation: 2018) is a social enterprise that offers consulting services to organizations operating in the socio-educational-cultural sector, serving them to anticipate and manage change in order to improve their positioning in the reference market and conquer new positions. Some members of the research unit are part of this spin-off.
LAB-E.R. joint laboratory:
Laboratory of Educational Research for Social Innovation and Cooperation (LAB-E.R.; established in 2019). The laboratory consists of the FORLILPSI Department, MoCa Future Designers Società Cooperativa, Pegaso Network Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS, and Proforma Società Cooperativa Impresa Sociale. The laboratory has the following aims: to define and test innovative models of education and training in the third sector and development cooperation; to detect and model knowledge, skills and abilities for social innovation among trainers for new professional profiles; to investigate and test methodological models for the improvement of university training; to test specific (post-graduate) training activities related to research and development projects. Some members of the research unit are part of this laboratory.
Aims and objectives:
International projects recently concluded or in progress (until 2020)
Collaboration with national and international networks and research groups:
Last update