Research Research UnitsPedagogia e didattica di genere (Gender in Pedagogy and Didactics)
Pedagogia e didattica di genere (Gender in Pedagogy and Didactics)
Keywords: Gender studies, gender pedagogy, gender education, training of educational and teaching staff, gender didactics, gender violence, autobiography, empowerment, globalization
Research topics:
- Educational-didactic paths to promote the culture of gender equality starting from early childhood.
- Professional training from a gender perspective through research-action paths.
- Pedagogical practices to prevent gender-based violence, develop empowerment, and build relationships between the sexes based on mutual respect.
- Gender, interculture and globalization. Pedagogical approaches to promoting inclusion and the value of diversity.
- Investigation and analysis of the female senile condition.
- Autobiography as a device for formation of the self.
Aims and objectives:
- To elaborate research-action plans and professional training aimed at developing among recipients knowledge, skills and competencies pertaining to gender pedagogy and didactics.
- To identify, apply, and implement pedagogical practices able to prevent gender-based violence, develop empowerment, and build relationships based on the recognition and respect of the other.
- To investigate and deepen interconnections between gender, interculture, and globalization in order to improve the processes of inclusion through valorization of all differences.
- To develop an exploratory survey on the condition of female senility using the tools of qualitative research.
- To promote autobiography as a method and pedagogical device to explore the personal/professional experiences of individuals.
- To experiment with innovative methods and strategies to raise awareness and promote a culture based on gender equality starting from early childhood.
Current projects:
1. Developing whole school Gender Equality Charter Mark in order to overcome gender stereotyping in education across Europe
International project funded by the European Union, DG Justice line, period 2017-2019. Scientific coordinator for Italy, Prof. Simonetta Ulivieri. The project has the following objectives: to foster greater awareness, knowledge and consciousness regarding gender equality at school and in society by school leaders, teachers, families, the Ministry of Education, and local political institutions; to promote changes and improvements in school practices on gender equality in three pilot schools. The medium- and long-term expected outcomes include: dissemination and use of GECM at national and European levels; the design of a GECM adapted for other types of schools.
2. Genere, infanzia e formazione. Prospettive pedagogiche gender oriented per educare e crescere valorizzando le differenze
Project funded by the Municipality of Livorno for the school years 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19. Scientific coordinator, Prof. Simonetta Ulivieri.
With regard to the training of educational and school staff, the project aims to: raise awareness and promote the culture of gender equality; recognize and know how to deconstruct sexist stereotypes at educational and didactic level; use inclusive and non-discriminatory language; design educational gender-oriented paths; use methods and strategies of coeducation between the sexes. With regard to families, the project intends to: sensitize parents to gender education; identify useful parental educational practices to counter gender stereotypes; generate a co-responsibility relationship between educational services, schools and families with respect to gender education. Research, action, and training are carried out through lectures, workshops, field observations, focus groups, individual work and study, and ongoing and final verifications.
3. È da maschio o da femmina?
Project funded by the City of Livorno for the school year 2018-19. Scientific coordinator Prof. Simonetta Ulivieri.
The project aims to: know about the origin and functioning of gender stereotypes and prejudices; recognize the presence of gender stereotypes and prejudices in different forms of language, behaviors and habits of children and adults; learn educational practices aimed at valuing all differences and in particular gender differences. The training of educational staff is divided among lectures, workshops, field observations, focus groups, work and individual study, and final verification.
4. La formazione di genere in età adulta. Il lavoro educativo nella terza e quarta età
The process of aging among the population is one of most significant aspects that is transforming our country, with repercussions that differ between genders and generations. In particular, this process exposes women to a "double vulnerability": "age" and "gender" amplify situations of fragility and catalyze forms of symbolic and real violence. The research group from Foggia intends to carry out an exploratory survey on the female senile condition using qualitative research tools, specifically biographical interviews.
5. Le donne tra violenza e cura. Una ricerca sul territorio campano
The research aims to conduct a survey of the services offered to female victims of violence and abusive men in order to assess their social and re-educational impact, also in terms of prevention for young adolescents. Actions in progress: Observatory on the Phenomenon of Violence against Women; the CaRA network (acronym of "Campania rete antiviolenza"); integration of territorial services for the reception and assistance of victims of violence; the "S.V.O.L.T.E. Superare la Violenza con Orientamento, Lavoro, Tirociniini, Esperienze formative" project to train educators who work in anti-violence centers and shelters.
Links with other research groups
- SIPED Gender Pedagogy Group
- "Gender Education" Laboratory of the Department of Educational Sciences "G.M. Bertin" (Manuela Gallerani). The laboratory promotes critical reflection on gender differences, starting from the deconstruction of the most common gender stereotypes, in order to develop a more correct and conscious education of gender differences.
- Tuscan Regional Commission for Equal Opportunities (Irene Biemmi). Collaboration is aimed at promoting activities for awareness addressed to the citizenry to promote the culture of gender equality.
- UNICEF Italy (Irene Biemmi). Collaboration aims to develop activities to promote the culture of childhood and the rights of boys and girls.
- SOROPTIMIST International, Florence chapter. Collaboration aims to promote the training of professionals involved in the prevention of gender-based violence and support to victims of violence.
- Research group with the University of Foggia. "Gender and third age" (Manuela Ladogana). The research intends to carry out an exploratory survey on the female senile condition using autobiography as a method for identity formation.
- G. Ammannati
- M. Arriaga (Universidad de Sevilla)
- M. Baldini (FORLILPSI)
- Irene Biemmi
- G. Burgio (Università Enna "Kore")
- A. Cagnolati (Università di Foggia)
- Cristina Carletti
- M.J. Cala Carrillo (Universidad de Sevilla)
- Francesca Dello Preite
- M. Ercolano (Università "Suor Orsola Benincasa", Napoli)
- D. Forni
- M. Gallerani (Università di Bologna)
- V. Guerrini (FORLILPSI)
- Silvia Guetta
- M. Hébert (Université du Québec à Montréal)
- M. Ladogana (Università di Foggia)
- E. Leonelli (Università di Bologna)
- A. Lopez (Università di Foggia)
- Maria Rita Mancaniello
- F. Marone (Università "Federico II" Napoli)
- M. Muscarà (Università di Enna "Kore")
- E. Musi (Università di Milano)
- M.T. Padilla-Carmona (Universidad de Sevilla)
- M. Tsouroufli (University of Walverhampton)
- R. Roig Vila (Università di alicante)
- Simonetta Ulivieri
Others involved:
- Dip. di Studi Umanistici, Lettere, Beni culturali, Scienze della Formazione - Università degli Studi di Foggia
- Dip. di Studi Umanistici - Università "Federico II" - Napoli
- Départment de Sexologie - Université du Québec à Montréal
- Facoltà di Filologia - Università di Siviglia
- Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione - Università di Enna "Kore"
- Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione "Giovanni Maria Bertin" - Università di Bologna
- Facoltà di Scienze della formazione-Università Cattolica di Milano
- Facoltà di Scienze della formazione- Università "Suor Orsola Benincasa"-Napoli
- Facultad de Cencias de la Educación - Universidad de Sevilla
- Facultad de Psicologia-Universidad de Sevilla
- Faculty of Education, Health and Wellbeing-University of Walverhampton