Research Research UnitsPACSIDIUM
PACSDIUM – Cultura di pace, della sostenibilità e dei diritti umani (Culture of peace, sustainability and human rights)
Keywords: Peace, rights, non-violence, dialogue, inter-culture, interreligious dialogue, active tolerance, mediation, transformation, conflicts, equality, difference, encounter, democracy, educational inclusion, Disability Studies, creativity, conflicts, culture of peace.
Research topics: The research group is interested in topics concerning the complexities of immigration, political and social participation, cultural enhancement and social sensitivity towards marginal people and people with disabilities, the development of human rights and the culture of peace, reconciliation through processes of nonviolent communication, relational well-being and conflict transformation. The group already has active national and international research projects. Co-design and monitoring of educational actions and participatory processes.
Aims and objectives: The research unit’s objective is to their share focus on themes of a culture of peace, understood in a broad sense as a set of values, knowledge, practices, habits, but also policies and strategies, which on a specifically pedagogical level are translated into theories and methodologies of training oriented to the deconstruction of different forms of violence and exclusion. The research unit also shares an interdisciplinary interest in the development of research and studies regarding the broad meaning of the concept of sustainability of forms of democracy and respect for every human being and the development of any form of balanced and constructive relationship with the environment. The unit also works to develop the Affective Democracy model in educational processes. The unit’s primary purpose is to integrate the research, studies, and networks that each member has already developed in order to open pathways to direct comparison and mutual enrichment, thus experimenting a model of cooperation and local scientific participation. The capitalization of resources and knowledge of each researcher involved will contribute to the development of theories, methods and tools for the dissemination of the culture of peace, also conceived as a training proposal for education professionals within lifelong learning processes.
Group projects:
Campani and collaborators: (IRSES) Gendercit : Gender and Citizenship. Lead partner: UNIVERSIDAD PABLO DE OLAVIDE, Sevilla, Spain - 30 October 2012-30 October 2016.
Campani and collaborators: Social Justice- RAGE : Hate Speech and Populist Othering in Europe Through the Racism, Age, Gender Looking Glass. Lead partner: Leicester, UK – 1 November 2012-31 October 2014.
Campani and collaborators: (IRSES) SpringArab: Social movements and mobilization typologies in the Arab spring. Lead partner: Paris VIII, Dep. de Sciences de l'Education, France – 30 October 2012-30 October 2015.
Campani and collaborators: The Eastern Mediterranean Region - eFAMSol – LeFAMSol - Learning for Female African Migrants' Solidarity: Help-Desks for Female African Migrants. Lead Partner: University of Peloponnese - 2013-2015.
Campani and collaborators: Ge.Mi- Parti GE.MI "Opening participatory routes: Mentoring and building capacity for active citizenship from a gender perspective." Lead partner: DIOTIMA, Greece - October 01, 2013-April 01, 2015
Campani and collaborators: ROADS BIOGRAPHY (with the University of Aberdeen) - UWS (Under Western Skies): Community, Environments, Technologies.
Guetta and collaborators: Observatory of Childhood and Adolescent Rights - Municipality of Cortona 2011-2014.
Guetta and collaborators: Scientific and Cultural Cooperation Exchange, Tel Aviv University: "Scambio di conoscenze tra studenti universitari e costruzione di modello di Osservatorio sull'educazione, formazione e didattica della Shoah" 2014-2015.
Chiappelli: #Io Partecipo: Promozione della partecipazione attiva dei migranti alla vita economica, sociale e culturale della regione Toscana.
Chiappelli: Bella Presenza per il contrasto alla povertà educativa.
Guetta: Project "TO-INN " prot. no. 573685-EPP-1-2016-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (2016-2720/001-001) Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education.
Guetta: Daphne European Project BIC - Bullying in Institutional Care - Combact bullying against children in residential care centers 2014-2017.
Guetta: Competitive call from the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio, Firenze 2017-2018 - Percorrere, Conservare, Educare: itinerari inediti tra i luoghi di culto di Firenze Centro per l'UNESCO di Firenze Attività di Alternanza Scuola Lavoro.
Guetta – Chiappelli: Analysis and Monitoring of educational activities in support of the Education Zonal Coordination Body and Florentine Zone School - P.E.Z. 2016/2017 L.R. 32/2002.
Franceschini, Capperucci, Piccioli: Erasmus + Project Cooperate to Learn, Learn to Cooperate in European Countries, submitted for evaluation, lead partner UVIC-UCC.
Franceschini: Research Program Progettazione e valutazione dell'inclusione scolastica nella prospettiva dei Disability Studies: modelli teorici e strumenti operativi, Scientific Coordinator Piccioli.
Norel M., Conseguenze socio-culturali del fenomeno della migrazione (dei romeni in Italia e degli italiani in Romania), in Immigrazione ed interculturalità: dall'indifferenza alla convivialità delle differenze, Pensa MultiMedia, Lecce Press, 2011.
Norel M., Inter e multiculturalità nelle scuole dell’infanzia in Romania, in I diritti delle bambine e dei bambini (coordinators Aldo Garbarini şi Maria Antonietta Nunnari), Edizioni Junior, Italy, 2010, ISBN: 978-88-8434-668-1.
Niculescu R.M., Norel M., Religious education an important dimension of human's education, in the volume "3rd World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership" of Brussels (Belgium), 2013.
Bazgan M., Norel M., Explicit and implicit assessment of intercultural competence, in "The 5th International Conference Edu-World 2012" of Pitești (Romania), 2012, published in Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 76, 15 April 2013, Pages 95-99.
Norel M., Focus on: Famiglie tra Italia e Romania: bambini soli e madri al lavoro, in "Bambini in Europa", Year XIII, No. 1, March 2013, ISSN: 1593-1986.
- Bar Ilan University Israel
- University of Granada Spain
- Kibbutzim College Israel
- University of Transylvania, Brasov Romania
- University Moulay Ismail Morocco
- University UVIC - UCC Universitat de Vic Universitat Central de Catalunya Spain
Series and journals
- Editorial Series "International Journal of Jewish Education Research (IJJER)", published by the School of Education and the Lookstein Center of Bar-Ilan University.
- Editorial Series "IN-CON-TRA, Didattica e Pedagogia dell’Inclusione", published by Aracne of Rome.
- "Comparative Cultural Studies - European and Latin American Perspectives" journal, published by Florence University Press.
- Editorial Series "Rassegna Mensile di Israel", published by Unione delle Comunità Ebraiche Italiane.
- "UNES. Universidad, Escuela y Sociedad" magazine published by Departamento Didactica de las Ciencias Sociales of the Universidad de Granada.
- "Journal Plus Education", a transdisciplinary journal that engages a wide spectrum of scholarship and welcomes contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that intersect Educational Sciences research (pedagogy, psychology, special psyhopedagogy and social work).
Postgraduate course
Coordination under Prof. Guetta: first level Master in Affective Democracy and Dialogues of Peace
Others involved:
- Dip. Scienze Umane e Sociali - Università per Stranieri, Perugia
- Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales (Granada - Spagna)
- Cattedra Transdisciplinare UNESCO-UNIFI
- Cattedra UNESCO - Valori, tolleranza, diritti, Università di Bar Ilan Israel
- Centro per l'UNESCO di Firenze
- IHRA International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance
- Scuola Internazionale per la Formazione Superiore di Yad Vashem
- USR per la Toscana