Research Research UnitsLILAH – Lifelong Learning e Alta Formazione (Lifelong Learning and Higher Education)
LILAH – Lifelong Learning e Alta Formazione (Lifelong Learning and Higher Education)
Keywords: adult education, higher education, skills, employability, professionalism, lifelong learning, orientation, job placement, talent, self-care, educational care, educational relationships.
Research topics:
- To analyze and organize curricular and extra-curricular paths and strategies that allow young graduates to enter into the labor market well.
- To study and build paths of higher education in the field of adult education that maximize higher education with the demand for performance, skills and talents in the global labor market.
- To define and implement transversal skills for the care and professionalization of individuals entering the work world.
- Good practices of innovation and strategies for the implementation of creativity and the development of educational paths to entrepreneurship.
- Analysis of educational relationships and formative communication in social economy contexts.
Aims and objectives:
- To generate new knowledge in higher and adult education to ensure adequate placement in the labor market for graduates in Education Sciences.
- To develop innovative models for university training.
- Innovation in orientation and job placement language and services in higher education contexts.
- To organize transversal skills for the placement of young graduates and orientation and professionalizing curricula (didactics and services).
- To model for young graduates the transition to work toward social economy.
Scientific responsibilities (projects pertaining to national competitive calls):
- Scientific coordination of the research unit for the PRIN EMP&CO Project “Progettare curricula innovativi per percorsi di apprendimento personalizzati, costruire competenze per l'occupabilità, valorizzare talenti per creare nuove professionalità. Strategie positive dell'alta formazione per affiancare giovani adulti in emergenza occupazionale, come risposta alla crisi sociale, economica e di cittadinanza in atto” (2014-2017).
Scientific responsibilities (projects pertaining to international competitive calls):
- Scientific coordination of the research unit for the Erasmus+ KA2 FRIENDESK Project "Foster Reception for Inclusive Educational Needs: Development Educational Support for Kids" (2019-2022). Leader of Intellectual Output 1: Comparative Studies On ECEC Systems And Hub&Spoke Model Guidelines
- Responsabile Scientifico di Unità di Ricerca del Progetto Erasmus KA2 INTALL "International and Comparative Studies for Students and Practitioners in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning" (2018-2021). Leader dell’Intellectual Output 3: Employability in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning
- Scientific coordination of the research unit for the Erasmus KA2 COMPALL Project "Comparative Studies on Adult and Lifelong Learning" (2015-2018).
- DAAD German Academic Exchange Service, Comparative Studies in Lifelong Learning (scientific coordinator: Regina Egetenmeyer) Winter School 2015 at the University of Würzburg funded by DAAD (2015).
- Scientific coordination of the ERASMUS+ KA2 Project "Comparative Studies in European and International Strategies of Lifelong Learning" (2013-2014).
Coordination of research units for European projects (projects pertaining to competitive calls):
- International research project European funding, ESRALE "European Studies and Research in Adult Learning and Education" coordinated by Ekkehard Nuissl von Rein from Technische Universitaet Kaiserslautern, Germany (2013-2016).
- International research project with European funding, L@JOST "Learn About Finding Jobs from Digital Storytelling" coordinated by Dr. Laura Malita of the Romanian Institute for Adult Education - West University of Timisoara, Romania (2008-2010). Project Output: “Digital Storytelling for Employability
- International research project with European funding, FLEXI-PATH, Flexible professionalisation pathways for adult educator between the 6th and 7th level of EQF coordinato dal Prof. Ekkehard Nuissl von Rein del German Institute for Adult Education – Duisburg-Essen University, Germany (2008-2010).
- International research project with European funding, CELiNE, Content Embedded Literacy Education for the New Economy, coordinato da Dr. Ioana Darjan del Romanian Institute for Adult Education - West University of Timisoara, Romania (2007-2009).
National projects:
- ANVUR TECO-D Pedagogy Project (January 2018 to present).
La Scuola in Ospedale: internship at Meyer Hospital primary school (agreement of September 2, 2015 between Department of Education Sciences and Psychology, University of Florence and Meyer University Hospital, Florence).
Continuing education:
- NAUTI.FORM training plan, (I.C. Studio, Fondimpresa). Scientific activity: technical support to the Monitoring Committee for the preparation, implementation and validation of methodology for the verification of learning and certification of knowledge and skills according to regional legislation for the training courses of the Training Plan.
- Organization and direction of the "Tecnico del sostegno all’autonomia personale, alla comunicazione e all’inclusione sociale a favore di soggetti con disabilità" course (600 hours of training and internship) in collaboration with FISM-Toscana (Federazione Italiana Scuole Materne) for the 2018-2019 academic year.
- Organization and direction of the "Tecnico del sostegno all’autonomia personale, alla comunicazione e all’inclusione sociale a favore di soggetti con disabilità" course (600 hours of training and internship) in collaboration with FISM-Toscana (Federazione Italiana Scuole Materne) for the 2016-2017 academic year.
Scientific series and journals:
- "Studies on Adult and Learning Education" series (Firenze University Press) (from October 2014 to present): <>.
- “Costruire il lavoro: fra orientamento e placement” editorial series (Pacini Editore) (from November 2016 to date): <>
- "Epale Journal on Adult Learning and Continuing Education" (Epale Journal Indire) (from June 2017 to date): <>.
Vanna Boffo (PO M-PED/01 - Università degli Studi di Firenze)
National members:
Honorary members:
Paolo Federighi (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
International members:
Regina Egetenmejer (Full Professor - Universitaet Julius Maximilian Würzburb, DE)
Simona Sava (Full Professor - West University of Timisoara, RO)
PhD students:
- Debora Daddi (XXXV Ciclo – Università di Firenze)
- Letizia Gamberi (XXXVI Ciclo – Università di Firenze)
Others involved:
- vanna.boffo(AT)
- glenda.galeotti(AT)