Keywords: Education, pedagogy, work psychology, history of education, lifelong learning, work and organization studies, job management, orientation, labor market, labor policies.
Research topics: The research unit deals with issues related to historical and current relationships between man and work, analyzing this relationship according to a variety of perspectives: from the point of view of training processes, the construction of professions and professionalism, organizations and public and private institutions, psycho-social processes of entrepreneurship, innovation and leadership in work contexts.
Aims and objectives: An inter- and trans-disciplinary approach is the prerequisite for a methodological model of basic and applied research of a quanti-qualitative nature. The aim around these themes is to consolidate and expand existing scientific networks at national and international level [Siped (Società Italiana di Pedagogia), SIPLO (Società Italiana di Psicologia di Lavoro e dell’Organizzazione), CIRSE (Centro Italiano per la Ricerca Storico-Educativa), SISSCo (Società Italiana per lo Studio della Storia Contemporanea), Centro studi pedagogici Codignola, DIM-GESTES (Groupe d'étude sur le travail et la souffrance au travail), PEEBLE, SALM].
Current projects: Le origini storiche del concetto di professionalità e la qualità nel lavoro – Formazione al/nel lavoro e culture del lavoro – Guidance e pratiche di cura nei luoghi di lavoro – Apprendimento nel lavoro e competenze per il lavoro.
Funding for projects led by members of the unit:
European Project Agreement 2013-3257/539622-LLP-1-GR-Grundtvig-GMPPEBBLE Project (2013-2015): Prison Education: Basic skills Blended E-learning (scientific coordinator for the Florence unit: Paolo Federighi). Objective: to define a blended learning path at basic level for the prison population of Greece, Italy, Cyprus, and Romania on Literacy (UNIFI), Finance (IREA), Numeracy (European University of Cyprus), and ICT (Ergon tek) (The project is funded with support from the European Commission. The authors are solely responsible for communication and the Commission declines all responsibility for any use that may be made of the information contained therein).
European Project Number 527690-LLP-1-2012-1-PT-LEONARDO-LM SALM Project (2012-2014), Skills and Labor Market to Raise Youth Employment (scientific coordinator of the Florence unit: Paolo Federighi). Objective: To define transversal skills for the formation of professional figures in the labor market of personal services and sustainable tourism (The project is funded with support from the European Commission. The authors are solely responsible for communication and the Commission declines all responsibility for any use that may be made of the information contained therein,
Support for participation European Union and international programs, funded by the University of Florence (year 2014) (scientific coordinator: Paolo Federighi). Title: ARTINFYP-Artificial Intelligence for Youth Policies. Objective: to collect and utilize information on the effectiveness of policies to be adopted and related measures in partner and non-partner countries to study the impact of policies on young people.
Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze Foundation and Scuola di Musica di Fiesole (scientific coordinators: Giovanna del Gobbo, Vanna Boffo). Professionalità in musica: nuove figure per l'occupazione giovanile. Una ricerca per riconoscimento di nuove figure professionali nel REPERTORIO REGIONALE (RRFP), entertainment sector (2014).
HETYA - Heritage Training for Young Adults 2015-1-IT02-KA204-015018 (scientific coordinator: Paolo Federighi) ( HETYA research (2015-2018) aims to study the museum as a place of learning for young people who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET), i.e. the ways in which the museum can support NEETs in the processes of building a project of job placement. At the moment, the research group is test some individual paths, according to the methodological guidelines as prepared by the University of Florence. The international research group is composed of the University of Florence (scientific coordinator, Paolo Federighi; support for scientific coordination and implementation of the research, Francesca Torlone), Provincia di Livorno, Provincia Livorno Sviluppo, Museum of Natural History of the Mediterranean of Livorno, Jamtli Museum (Se), Bulgaria Economic Forum (Bg), and University College of Southeast Norway (No).
- Scientific dissemination initiatives: 1) New methods to involve NEETs in learning: developing blended modules (Oslo, May 4, 2017); 2) Le nuove frontiere della mediazione in una prospettiva internazionale, in collaboration with ICOM (Florence, November 15-16, 2017).
- Final event (University of Florence, July 2018).
- Essays and articles in the process of publication.
TALENTS - New Talents for Companies - Developing the Potentials of Immigrants and Refugees n. 2016-1-DE02-KA204-003388 (scientific coordinator: Paolo Federighi). The TALENTS research project (2016-2019) aims to study the pathways to employment of refugees and asylum seekers, starting from educational actions (formal, informal, non-formal) for learning the language of the host country. At the moment, the research group is testing a model according to the methodological guidelines prepared by the University of Florence. The international research group is composed of the University of Florence (scientific coordinator, Paolo Federighi; support to the scientific coordination and realization of the research, Francesca Torlone); Kultusministrirum Baden-Wuttemberg (De), Arbetsmarknad och vuxenutbildning i Goterbors Stad (Se), Cuben Utbildning AB (Se), Oslo Voksenopplaering Rosenholf (No), Steirische Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft (At), EARLALL-European Association of Regional and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning (Bg).
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