The ARCHEU research unit aims to identify, inventory, study, and promote archival collections of great literary value linked to prominent figures on the international scene and, through them, promote unpublished images of Europe. Starting from the decades-long work of the Association "Archivio per la memoria e la scrittura delle donne Alessandra Contini Bonacossi", present within the State Archives of Florence (for publications, conventions and other activities in the field of Gender Studies, see › memoriadonne ), the research unit proposes the study and promotion of multimedia documents, the production of editions of unpublished texts and documents, the organization of editions, conventions and festivals with attention to the critical instruments of comparatistics. The first archival collections to be worked on are: 1) Claudio Magris collection – a writer of international prestige, heir to the great cultural tradition of Trieste, brilliant scholar of Central European literature, he is among the most remarkable contemporary essayists – this archive is of considerable interest not only for the philological study of the author's works, but also for his relations with the greatest intellectuals of the contemporary world; 2) Massimo Mori collection – an intermediary artist of visual, sound and performance poetry – this is an interesting archive for the history of the international avant-garde of the 1970s and 1980s and the counterculture movements in Europe; 3) Papers of women present in public and private archives in Tuscany from the 16th century to the present day (cf. Regional census of writings by women from the 16th to the 20th centuries, › memoriadonne).
literature, Europe, archives, avant-garde, gender.
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