The Modern and Comparative Literature Section brings professors, researchers and expert linguistic collaborators together who focus their scientific and research activity on the study of modern and contemporary Western literature, theory of literature, and comparative literature.
The nature of these studies and their potential, implicit interrelationships opens up to a broader, modern and currently essential research perspective. While the specific peculiarity of each theoretical-literary field is maintained (the section includes professors of Germanistics, Ugrofinnic literature, and all professors of modern and contemporary Italian literature, comparative literature, and theory of literature active at the university), their study is connected with other cultural and literary fields and contexts in the analysis of mutual influences and relationships that historically have determined their individual evolutions, as well as the relations that at a cultural level — i.e. journals, publishing activities, translations, seminars and conferences — have connoted their physiognomy.
This section corresponds to and lends further importance to the prestige that the city of Florence has, over time, acquired as a center of cosmopolitan culture, as manifested through the presence and activities of institutions such as the Kunsthistorisches Institut, Villa Romana, the British Institute, the Institut Français, the scientific-literary Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, and the A. Bonsanti Archive.
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