Double Degrees

The FORLILPSI Department is a point of contact, in collaboration with other universities in the European Union, for the following international programs: 


Since 2019-20 in agreement with the Debreceni Egyetem (Hungary):

  • Three-year degree program: Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies [Class L-11], Italian-Hungarian study curriculum in addition to Újlatin nyelvek és kultúrák alapszak (BA) and Olasz szakirảny (Romance Philology specialized in Italian Studies, BA) or Magyar alapszak (Hungarian Language and Literature, BA).
  • Master’s degree program (starting from the 2021-22 academic year): European and American Languages and Literature [Class LM-37], Italian-Hungarian study curriculum together with Fordító és tolmács mesterszak (Translation and Interpreting, MA).
  • For further information contact Prof. Beatrice Tottossy  and visit the website (link to thematic site).
  • To apply for the 2024-25 academic year, visit the website of the School of Humanistic and Education Studies (information can be found at the bottom of the page).

Since 2019-20 in agreement with the Université Paris 8  Vincennes-Saint Denis (France):

  • Master’s degree program: Master’s degree program: European and American Languages and Literature [Class LM-37], Italian-French curriculum in Theory and Practice of Translation in addition to the Master 1/2 Mention Translation and Interpretation (parcours Lettres, Interfaces numériques et Sciences Humaines-LISH, italien-français) of the Université Paris 8.
  • As winner of the Vinci 2019 competition of the Université Franco Italienne, the double degree program derives benefit from funding for students of the program with regard to their time at the partner university (seminars and travel in the second year).
  • For further information contact Prof. Annick Farina.
  • To apply for the 2024-25 academic year, visit the website of the School of Humanistic and Education Studies.

Since 2018-19 in agreement with the Universidad de Sevilla (Spain):

  • Master’s degree program: Lifecycle and Contextual Psychology [Classes LM-51], Curriculum in Crisis and Promotion of Development Resources, and the Master in Psicologia de la Educaciòn: Avances en Intervenciòn Psicoeducativa y Necesidades Educativas Especiales (Advances in Psychoeducational Intervention and Special Educational Needs) (Universidad de Sevilla).
  • School of Psychology website.
  • For further information contact Prof. Ersilia Menesini.

Since 2018-19 in agreement with the Universidad de Sevilla (Spain):

  • Master’s degree program: Lifecycle and Contextual Psychology [Classes LM-51], Curriculum in Crisis and Promotion of Resources in Social and Community Contexts, and the Master en psicologia de la intervencion social y comunitaria (Social and Community Intervention Psychology) (Universidad de Sevilla).
  • School of Psychology website.
  • For further information contact Prof. Ersilia Menesini.

Since 2018-19 in agreement with the Universidad de Sevilla (Spain):

  • Master’s degree program: Lifecycle and Contextual Psychology [Classes LM-51], Curriculum in Promotion of Resources in Work and Organisational contexts, and the Master in Psicologia de las Organizaciones y el Trabajo (Organizational and Labor Psychology) (Universidad de Sevilla).
  • School of Psychology website.
  • For further information contact Prof. Ersilia Menesini.

Since 2017-18  in agreement with Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic):

  • Master’s degree program: Education Science in Adults and Continuing Education and Pedagogical Science [Classes LM-57 and LM-85] in addition to Education Science [MUNI].
  • For further information contact Prof. Vanna Boffo.

Since 2008-09 in agreement with Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest (Hungary):

  • Three-year degree program: Languages, Literatures and Intecultural Studies [Class L-11], Italian-Hungarian study curriculum in addition to Romanisztika alapszak (BA) Olasz szakirảny (Romance Philology, specialized in Italian Studies, BA) or Magyar alapszak (Hungarian Language and Literature, BA).
  • Master’s degree program: European and American Languages and Literature [Class LM-37], Italian-Hungarian study curriculum in addition to one of the following: Magyar Nyelv és Irodalom mesterszak (Hungarian Language and Literature, MA), Olasz Nyelv, Irodalom és Kultúra mesterszak (Italian Language, Literature and Culture. MA), or Irodalom- és Kultúratudomány mesterszak (Literary and Cultural Studies, MA).
  • For further information contact Prof. Beatrice Tottossy  and visit the website (link to thematic site).
  • To apply for the 2024-25 academic year, visit the website of the School of Humanistic and Education Studies.

Since 2001-02 in agreement with the  Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn (Germany):

  • Three-year degree program: Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies [Class L-11], Italian-German study curriculum/Bachelor Deutsch-Italienische Studien.
  • Master’s degree program: European and American Languages and Literature [Class LM-37], Italian-German study curriculum/Master Deutsch-Italienische Studien.
  • For further information contact Prof. Marco Meli.
  • To apply for the 2024-25 academic year, visit the website of the School of Humanistic and Education Studies (information can be found at the bottom of the page).


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