Laboratorio LAB-E.R. – Laboratory of Educational Research for Social Innovation and Cooperation

LABER is a joint research laboratory of the University of Florence established in 2019 through the agreement between the FORLILPSI Department, MOCA Future Designers - Social enterprise and academic spin off, Pegaso Network - Social Cooperative and Proforma - Cooperative Society.

Research activities:

  • Definition and experimentation of innovative models of education and training of the Third Sector and Development Cooperation so that they can respond to the needs of individuals and organizations, with the involvement of formal, informal and community networks.
  • Detection and modeling of knowledge, skills and abilities for social innovation of training operators, for new professional profiles and in response to society’s educational emergencies.
  • Experimentation of methodological models for the improvement of university education and specific training activities (post-graduate) linked to research projects.

Scientific Coordinator:

Giovanna Del Gobbo



  • FORLILPSI Department
  • MOCA Future Designers - Soc. Coop. Impresa Sociale e Spin off accademico
  • Pegaso Network - Cooperativa Sociale
  • Proforma - Soc. Coop. Impresa Sociale


FORLILPSI Department:

Research Fellows, Phd Students, Scholarship Researchers

  • Giulia Biagi
  • Elisa Desii
  • Luca Grisolini
  • Sofia Marconi
  • Silvia Montorsi
  • Silvia Mugnaini
  • Marta Pampaloni
  • Giorgia Pasquali
  • Manuel Sbriglione


Moca Future Designers:

  • Cristina Banchi
  • Beatrice Bettini

Pegaso Network:

  • Costanza Ulivi
  • Guido Bassi


  • Barbara Dreoni
  • Rudy Moscato
  • Paolo Sonni



May 16, 2023 | Le competenze dell’economia sociale per lo sviluppo umano sostenibile PosterFebruary 8, 2023 | Study seminar Laboratori di Ricerca per la Terza MissionePoster
October 24, 2022 | Workshop Economia sociale e sostenibilità: sfide e scenari futuriPoster


How does the social economy contribute to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals?
We discussed this during the event "Social Economy and Sustainability: Challenges and Future Scenarios," organized by the Laboratory of Educational Research for Social Innovation and cooperation (LABER) as part of the Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile in collaboration with the Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (Asvis).

The event is part of a collaborative research with local social economy organizations and Cds LM/57-85 students. 

We thank social cooperatives Ulisse, Di Vittorio and Cepiss for participating!


Organizers: Giovanna Del Gobbo,  Sabina Falconi Francesco De Maria Silvia Mugnaini 

Credits: Giulia Biagi per riprese e editing, Silvia Mugnaini editing

Music: Free Royalty BendSound



Micro-design laboratories 2022Poster




Dip. FORLILPSI - via Laura, 48 - Firenze





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